Helping You Find Your Next Job Faster

Advance your career with Mployd. A platform dedicated to empowering you find your next job.

Our Core Services

FREE: The Job Search Audit

Our assessment is insightful & comprehensive, helping you uncover your job search core strengths & identify areas for improvement.

Get tailored advice, understand your job search gaps, and receive actionable steps to enhance your strategy, CV, networking, and more.

Resume & Career Coaching

We’ve Partnered with Market-Leading Resume Writers & Career Coaches

While we're building our recommendation tool, I’m here to personally offer my services to help you advance in your career.

Explore my services and take the next step in your career journey today.

30 Day Job Search Accelerator

We’ve partnered with Dev Desai, Job strategist, who runs the Job Search Accelerator Bootcamp. Over 4 weeks, get empowered with advanced job search strategies, to propel you towards your dream job faster.

This program is delivered via Live Training + Online modules.

Every service, product, or resource we build has been created to respond to one question:

Is this going to get job seekers closer to securing their next career move?

Before you do anything, we recommend you take our Job Search Audit

The Job Search Audit is a comprehensive assessment designed to give you a clear picture of your current job search strategy. By taking the audit, you can identify your strengths and areas that need improvement, which is essential for crafting a successful job search plan.

Then, meet Megan, your Job Search Partner

I provide expert resume writing and career coaching services, backed by extensive experience and personalised support.

Save time, money, and stress by working directly with me to strengthen your career path with professional guidance and support.

Or sign up for the 4 week Job Search Accelerator Program

"Land your Dream Role in 3 months or less

Join the 4 week Job Search Accelerator program, with Dev Desai, designed to fast-track your journey to your dream job, eliminating the need to apply to countless positions. Through personalised and targeted strategies, we empower you to start having conversations with key people in the most efficient way.

Or if you’re looking for a quick win, get your Resume Reviewed for $18

Receive a video review of your CV with detailed feedback from Mployd, along with analysis and recommendations from our Mployd Custom GPT.

If you choose to get more help, you’ll receive 20% off any services with Megan.

Your Next Career Move Awaits

Embark on your next Career Move with Mployd, a unique platform dedicated entirely to empowering Job Seekers in their Job Search.

We are not a Job Board and our services aren’t created for the ultimate purpose of filling vacancies, but rather we are building a suite of support services tailored to enhancing your jobsearch.

Expert Job search Advice straight to your Inbox

Get access to exclusive tips, strategies, and expert advice from guest Newsletter Editors that aren’t shared anywhere else